Praying for Ukraine (Our Ukrainian Connection!)
About 12 years ago, when I was moving my grandmother out of her NYC apartment, I discovered some family items that had been brought to America by her mother and grandfather. In them was a train pass from 1895 that had belonged to my great-grandmother’s grandfather, picture and all! (That would be my great-great-great grandfather!). It was like a passport that gave him the ability to travel from his hometown to Vienna, Austria. The hometown was listed as Lemburg, Austria. When I looked up Lemburg, Austria I found that after WWI, that part of Austria had become part of Ukraine and became known as Lviv, Ukraine. (The borders had been changing for many years.) The name of that city immediately rang a bell in my head as I remembered, that was the city from which Kim’s mother’s family had come. In other words, both Kim’s mom’s family and my mom’s family had come from the very same city in Europe! And, I couldn’t help but be struck by the fact that, in spite of my family being Jewish and...