Dog Training!
As many of you know, back in October Kim and I got a new dog, Sadie. She has been a very good dog, but not without some concerns on our part. She is very smart but can also become very independent. So, early on I took Sadie for some training sessions at our local SPCA. Most recently, I’ve been working with a private trainer. Our goal has been to get Sadie to walk with us better, staying closer to our side and less distracted by what’s around her, and to respond more consistently to the times when we call her to come to us—i.e. her “recall.” Although I’ve had dogs before, I had never been through a training routine with any of them. Well, I’ve quickly learned that training a dog is a lot of work, persistence, and perseverance on my part. But, the purpose behind it all is not just that we can say we have an obedient dog, but for her wellbeing and protection. After all, it is our job to keep her from being hit by a car, or running off and getting lost, or eating som...