Almost Christmas!

We are now but a few days away from Christmas (four to be exact!), thus, everyone is very busy. The roads are filled with travelers. The stores are filled with shoppers. Our homes are becoming filled with cookies, chocolates, and gifts. The frenetic pace with which we move about easily overwhelms the calm and beauty of the season. Yes, it is almost Christmas! But, be of good cheer! The traffic, crowds, and tension we might feel is pretty reflective of what the first Christmas must have been like. After all, when for the first time it was almost Christmas, the whole nation of Israel was upside down. A decree from Rome had forced everyone to go back to the town of their ancestry to register in a census—all at the same time! Thus, when it was almost Christmas—almost time for Jesus to be born—Joseph and Mary had to take the long and difficult trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem. They had to get on the road and into the middle of the traf...