Life Is Not Stagnant!

Today’s my birthday. I hesitated to mention that this morning for fear someone might think I’m just trying to get some added birthday wishes (which I guess I wouldn’t mind). But, it seems odd for me to not mention it or reflect upon it as I sit here to write today’s devotional blog. I have to say, this is an interesting part of the journey. At 58 years old (there I gave you my age!), there are so many transitions taking place in life. Our “kids” are all now done with college and are venturing out on their own. Meanwhile, our parents have become or are becoming increasingly dependent upon us. When it comes to ministry, there are some parts that are easier than they were years ago, simply because of so many years of experience. And, then there are those parts that are new, fresh, and even harder because of changing times and changes that have taken place within me. Life is definitely not stagnant. Like most people, I am very much aware th...