A Week After Christmas!

It’s a week after Christmas And all through the house Not a carol is playing By a man or his spouse The cookies are eaten The children are gone The lights are still shining But, not for too long The church pews are empty The stores are less full The gifts are returned There’s a soft gentle lull Some are relieved Others are sad Everyone’s tired Many are glad… Glad it’s all over It’s time to move on Into the New Year The job is now done But, the meaning of Christmas That child in a stall The babe in a manger, He’s still with us all! His star still shines brightly The angels still sing We join them in chorus Good news they yet bring! Yes, the holiday’s over But, Jesus still lives He fills us with joy His grace he still gives. His love’s everlasting His salvation is strong So, let’s celebrate Christmas All the year long! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas...