Your Best Year Yet?
As I was scrolling through Google images for an image to use in this week’s church bulletin, I noticed how many churches had created slogans and images for their New Year’s services. A number of those slogans ran along the lines of, “Your Best Year Yet!” And, I thought to myself, how do they know that? Will that be true for everyone in that congregation? Will it be true for anyone? I don’t want to sound pessimistic as we step into this New Year, but as much as we’d all like to believe that 2017 will be our best year yet, that may or may not be true. Oh, for some it may be: this may be the year of your graduation, new job, engagement, marriage, birth of a child, a promotion at work, a year of travel, etc. Some of us just may experience a year unlike any other we have had thus far in a very, very positive way. It just may be for some of us our best year yet! Unfortunately, however, that may not be true for everyone. For s...