God's Interruptions
I can remember how, when my kids were little, they would come running up to me while I was in the midst of a conversation and without thinking interrupt me and the person to whom I was speaking with some news of something they were doing or a question that had come to their mind. As nicely as I could (and maybe sometimes not so nicely), I would point out to them that they would have to wait until I was finished. Yet from that point on, in the back of my mind I couldn’t help but think about what it was they were trying to say or ask. My thought process had been interrupted and I had become distracted. We all know what it’s like to be interrupted. We might be in the middle of an important conversation or trying to complete a task when, the phone rings or someone steps into your office with an emergency or your child starts to tug on your sleeve. At that moment whatever you were saying or doing comes to a halt and your attention is diverted to...