Hope Is In the Air!
As I was outside yesterday morning, I couldn’t help but notice that finally the trees are budding, the crocuses and tulips are breaking through the winter-hardened ground, and the birds are back in full force, singing their springtime arias. Spring is in the air. Actually, hope is in the air—the hope that the long, cold winter is over; the hope that life is returning to nature and soon everything will once again be green! I like to define hope as, the expectation that tomorrow will be better than today . Hope gives us something to which to look forward. Hope tells us that the difficulties of our current situation are not the end of the story; there is something more, something better to come. Throughout the winter, we all tend to fluctuate between hope and despair. But, when springtime finally arrives, hope is propelled. We receive a bit of evidence that we are actually moving towards something better, towards newness of life. That...