The Bigger Bird Feeder!

During the winter, I love having a bird feeder set up and filled with bird seed to attract all the different kinds of birds that are around during our winter months—finches, sparrows, chickadees, juncos, woodpeckers, cardinals, etc. Thus I have a bird feeder in my backyard where I can see it while I’m drinking my coffee or having my breakfast in the morning. The only problem is, as one person told me when I first got my bird feeder, “Once you start feeding the birds, you’re under moral obligation to keep on feeding them.” That’s something that has kind of stuck with me. Thus, I’m constantly out making sure the bird feeder is well stocked. 

To help with that, I recently replaced my bird feeder with one that is quite a bit larger. Rather than hold two scoops of bird seed (which is actually about 1 ½ cups per scoop), this newer and larger one holds over four scoops of bird seed. That means, less trips out to the bird feeder for stocking purposes. It also means, the birds get to eat much more than before. Thus, they just keep coming and coming and coming to eat and eat and eat. Every morning and evening, there they are having their own little feast. Not to sound arrogant, but whether they realize it or not, they have what they have because of me and my bigger bird feeder! 

You see, I was thinking how it is the birds have no idea how the feeder and the seed get there. Not one has ever realized that I am their source of sustenance. And not one has ever come by to thank me. From their perspective, the food just appears and they get to eat. It’s a great arrangement, if you’re a bird! 

Ah…isn’t that the way it is with so many people—and so often with us? The grocery store shelves are well-stocked, our refrigerators are full, there’s food on our tables, and we just take it for granted that it is so. We might even convince ourselves that we have what we do because of our efforts and hard work.  But like little birds who flutter around and think that they are working for their food, we lose sight of the fact that there is One who is our ultimate Provider—One who makes sure the “feeder” is well-stocked! 

The Bible says, “He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.” (Acts 14:16-17 – NIV) Jesus said, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26) Jesus says that in the context of encouraging us not to worry about our lives, but to trust God for all we have need of. After all, to God we are much more valuable than the birds; we are the crown of his creation. 

Let’s not forget that all that we have, our food, shelter, clothing—and even the health and breath to earn a living—comes from the hand of our gracious Provider. Thus, let’s not give into worry, for we are of great value to him. And most of all, may we not forget to give him thanks for his gracious provision. 

Have a great day! 

- Pastor Tim Harris
