Thanks a Lot!

As I’m sure you are well aware, this week is Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday through which our hearts are called to be filled with gratitude for all the good things we have experienced this past year. But what if your year has been anything but good? What if you’ve found yourself in the midst of a year filled with all kinds of difficulties and disappointments? Sometimes it’s hard to say thanks. In fact, at times we just might end up saying it with a bit of sarcasm in our voice. 

You’ve probably said it at some time or another; I know I have. When that person cut you off on the road…or bumped you out of the way as they rushed through the crowd…or complained about your cooking, with a bit of sarcasm in your voice you said it: “Thanks a lot!” Sometimes we say it with a bit of humor in our voice. At other times it’s an expression of mild anger. But when we say it, we don’t mean it; we’re not really saying “thank you.” In fact, we probably mean just the opposite. 

Unfortunately, that’s the way we sometimes respond to God when things are not going right in our lives.  As we find ourselves being hit by the blows of life, we might become upset with God, questioning whether or not we can really trust him. Somehow we came to believe that if we gave our lives to him and put our faith in him, everything would always be ok. We thought that God would always protect us, heal us, provide for us in just the way(s) we wanted. But then things didn’t turn out that way. Life took its twists and turns in the wrong direction. And we look to God and, in so many words, say, “Thanks a lot!” by which we are saying anything but “thanks.” 

Yet, the Bible says, “…give thanks in all circumstances….” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 – NIV) It speaks of, “…always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5:20) In other words, no matter what life might bring our way or the circumstances in which we might find ourselves, rather than become upset and angry at others or with God, there is a place for gratitude and thanksgiving. 

The truth is, if you will take a step back from the difficulties you find yourself in, you just might find that the blessings of God have been there all along. Those blessings may have come in the form of the people who have come alongside of you to comfort you and help you in our times of need. It might be the roof that you still have over your head or the food that’s yet on your table—after all, it’s often the little things we neglect. You might consider the promise of God to always be with you, even in the darkest valley. Most of all, you might take time to recall the salvation of God through the giving of his son, Jesus. As we step back from the difficulties and disappointments, we just might find more reasons to give thanks than we thought.

So this Thanksgiving, let’s remember God’s goodness to us, even in the hard times. And let’s turn to him and with all sincerity of heart say, “Thanks a lot!” 

Have a great day and a blessed Thanksgiving Day! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 
