A New Pair of Running Shoes!

This week I  needed to buy a new pair of running shoes. For one, according to the running app I use, my current ones (which were purchased almost exactly one year ago today) have 369 miles on them—and  they are supposed to last a maximum of 400 miles. Secondly, I can actually see where my current shoes have been worn out. Finally, I need to break in a new pair before it gets too close to my next half-marathon race, which is coming up near the end of September. Thus, the new pair of running shoes.  

Like most runners would be, I’m very excited about running tomorrow morning in my new pair of running shoes. I know it might sound a bit childish, but there’s something about putting on a new pair for the first time, looking down at your feet to admire the color and the look, and then taking off for a maiden flight (run!). I’d say, it’s much the same feeling one gets when they drive off the lot with a new car. (Well, maybe not for you!) Everything feels so fresh and so new. With a new pair of running shoes on my feet, I feel like I could run a whole marathon (which I cannot!). 

I think you’d agree, we all like new things—a new car, new bike, new clothes, new television, new house…new running shoes! It’s an instinct that seems to be built into our psyche as human beings. Unfortunately, however, most people try to fulfill their need for something new with all the kinds of stuff I’ve mentioned. Yet, most often they remain unsatisfied and even dissatisfied with their life. After all, none of the new stuff we can acquire or buy, not even new running shoes, can satisfy our deepest longings.  

Maybe that’s why God promises us so many new things: a new song (Psalm 40:3), a new heart (Ezekiel 36:6),  a new name (Isaiah 62:2), and even a new life (Romans 6:4). The Apostle Paul wrote, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17) And, God promises that one day he is going to bring about “a new heaven and a new earth” (Revelation 21:1) as he declares, “I am making everything new!” (Revelation 21:5) 

Are you craving for something new? Do you feel a need to experience something new in your life today? Do you need the hope of something new in your future? If so, I encourage you to look to the One who is the God of new things—the One who has said, “See, I am doing a new thing!”  (Isaiah 43:19 – NIV) As you do, he just may give you that which you’ve been searching for. In fact, I know he will do something new for you!

Have a great day! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 
