My First Triathlon: A Test of Endurance!

This past week I participated in my first triathlon, the New Jersey State Triathlon. With about 1,000 participants, the race included a 500 meter lake swim, 11.5 mile bike ride, and a 5K run. It was a very exciting day for which I had put in just over 8 weeks of training.  In fact, it was one of the most exciting things I have ever done, but also the most physically exhausting thing I’ve ever done (and the heat and humidity of the day didn’t help!). 

Through the course of the race there were many times when I began to question whether or not I’d be able to finish. At those times, however, I would remind myself that this race was in the end, all about endurance. Could I endure riding 11.5 miles after having just swam 500 meters in, what for me was, a very difficult environment? Could I complete the 5K run after swimming and cycling? Or, would I give up and give in to the feelings pain, tiredness, and weakness that had begun to take over my body? 

During my times of training, especially when I was running just after a long bike ride, I had learned to talk to myself about the need to endure. After all, I would think, there was no point in doing all the training or beginning the race if I wasn’t going to endure through it all the way to the end.  I knew I was going to be the fastest or stand on the winner’s box, but that was not the point. The goals wasn’t the winner’s box but to complete the race—i.e., to cross the finish line. And that is just what I did!  Yes, I was exhausted (and have needed some days of rest), but I had finished the race! I had crossed the finish line! I had endured through the pain, tiredness, and weakness to the end of the race! 

Throughout my training and then throughout the race, Jesus’ words would come to my mind: “…he who endures to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 10:22 & 24:13 – NKJV) Of course, Jesus wasn’t talking about finishing a triathlon. But the triathlon became for me a great illustration of Jesus’ teaching, for multiple times Jesus made the point that there will be many who begin to follow him, but when difficulties and persecution come their way, they will turn back. Many will begin this race of faith, only to give up somewhere along the way. 

According to Jesus, one’s salvation is not predicated on merely praying a prayer of faith (although that may be the starting point). Ultimately, our salvation comes about by means of following through on that prayer through all the difficulties and hardships of life—keeping the faith through all that life may throw our way. In the end, it’s not about merely starting the race, but finishing it—i.e., enduring until the end. 

I know many of us have begun this race of faith called the, Christian life. We’ve given ourselves to following Jesus. But for us the question is, will we endure to the end? Will we cross the finish line? Let me encourage you not to give up or give into the tiredness, pain, and weakness that may come your way, but to hold onto your faith in our Lord Jesus until you have crossed the finish line where you will receive your prize! 

“Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” (James 1:12) 

Have a great day! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 
