Taking Sadie to the Vet

Many of you may know that Kim and I have had a dog named Sadie. What you may not know is that, Sadie does not do very well going to the vet. She gets nervous as soon as we walk through the first set of doors. And, she won’t let any of the staff touch her. She doesn’t get aggressive, but pulls away, squirms, and refuses any kind of exam or treatment. 

Yesterday, in order to get her examined and for her to receive her shots that are long overdue, I took her to the vet and had to have them sedate her. I felt terrible doing so, but there was no other recourse. As I handed her over to the technician and began to leave, a terrible feeling came over me. Sadie had no idea what was happening. And worst of all, she had no idea that I was going to return for her. All she knew was that I was leaving her in the one place she hates the most. Whether she understood her own feelings or not (and I’m not quite sure what dogs think or feel), I can only think that she felt abandoned—by me, the person she trusts the most. 

No one likes to be abandoned. Not a pet. Not a person.  Yet, every day there are wives that are abandoned by their husbands, husbands that are abandoned by their wives, and maybe worst of all, children abandoned by a parent—or even, both. I’ve seen best friends abandon one another—often over petty things. I’ve seen longtime, faithful employees, often in their later years, who feel abandoned by an employer who has to make his “cuts” in order to save the company money.  It’s no wonder we meet so many sad, fearful, insecure, and even angry people along our way.  Abandonment creates all kinds of negative emotions that often last a lifetime.  

This might be why God makes it very clear to his people that, he will never abandon them. Early on Moses said to them, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8 – NIV) Later on the Psalmist wrote, “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close.” (Psalm 27:10 – NLT) And in John’s gospel, Jesus said to his disciples, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” (John 14:18) and, “…be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)  In other words, our experience with God will never be one of abandonment.  

Today you might be feeling the sting of having once been abandoned by someone you trusted and even loved. It happens to all of us.  But rather than allowing the pain of abandonment to keep you trapped in all kinds of negative emotions, let me encourage you to look to God to bring healing and strength into your life. Know that he is a God is always faithful to his people. He’s not like that father, parent, or friend who is with us one day but then leaves us picking up the pieces to our lives the next. Rather, he is always with us, watching over us and taking care of our needs. 

Of course, I did go back to get Sadie. She was a bit groggy from the sedation, but very glad to see me!  

Have a great day! 

- Pastor Tim Harris 


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