Comfort Through the Storm!

Last night around midnight I heard a storm that was beginning to roll in with lightning and thunder.  Soon I began to hear our dog Sadie, who is petrified of thunder, begin to whine downstairs behind her gate. So, although I know this might seem a bit over the top to some, I got out of bed and went down to her. I could see the fear in her eyes and the fact that her breathing had become rapid.  So, I laid down on the couch and when I did, Sadie jumped up on it as well, laid down next to me, put her paw over me. and laid her head on my lap. I petted her head as I spoke softly to her, trying to get her to calm down. For the next hour, that’s how we rode out the storm.  

Of course, I knew that Sadie was safe and that the storm wasn’t going to harm her. I could have just left her downstairs to herself knowing everything would be ok. Sadie, however, didn’t know that. She had no concept that she was safe. She needed someone to comfort her and calm her down. And, that comfort came not by means of me getting rid of the storm, but by simply being with her through it.

There are so many times in our lives when we find ourselves in the midst of a storm.  Now seems to be one of those times. With all that happening in our world, our nation, and our lives, it seems like our world is thundering all around us.  I don’t know about you, but I know I’ve had my moments of fear. In fact, it’s not unnatural for us to become a bit fearful, for we don’t know what the outcome of all of these things will be. But I also know we have a place of refuge and peace. We serve a God who comes to us in the midst of our storms. He doesn’t always chase away the storm, but he comes to be with us and bring us his comfort.

The psalmist wrote these words, He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day….” (Psalm 91:4-5 – NIV) Isaiah the Prophet wrote, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you….” (Isaiah 66:13 – NIV) What a beautiful picture that is!

With all that has been happening in our world in recent months, you might find yourself feeling overwhelmed and even fearful. I know I have. But, I want to remind us that just like I sat with Sadie to comfort her through the storm last night, and of course to a much greater degree, we have a heavenly Father who invites us to find rest, refuge, and comfort in him. He has promised to with us and comfort us through every storm.

Have a great day!

Pastor Tim Harris
