Life Is Not Stagnant!

Today’s my birthday. I hesitated to mention that this morning for fear someone might think I’m just trying to get some added birthday wishes (which I guess I wouldn’t mind). But, it seems odd for me to not mention it or reflect upon it as I sit here to write today’s devotional blog.

I have to say, this is an interesting part of the journey.  At 58 years old (there I gave you my age!), there are so many transitions taking place in life.  Our “kids” are all now done with college and are venturing out on their own.  Meanwhile, our parents have become or are becoming increasingly dependent upon us.  When it comes to ministry, there are some parts that are easier than they were years ago, simply because of so many years of experience. And, then there are those parts that are new, fresh, and even harder because of changing times and changes that have taken place within me.  Life is definitely not stagnant. 

Like most people, I am very much aware that age is something that often shows itself in small and subtle ways—and then sometimes in no such subtle ways.  Although in my head I don’t feel that much older, every so often my body seems more than happy to remind me that I’m no longer the young guy I once was. The morning achiness in the back, the tendency to put on weight in places I’d rather not have it, the changes in my eyesight, etc. all seem to be reminders that the years are moving on and that I’m not the same person I once was—not physically, emotionally, intellectually, nor spiritually.  Life is not stagnant.   

My paternal grandmother (who passed away in 1984) once told me that on each of our birthdays she read and prayed Psalm 91 on our behalf.  The last three verses of the Psalm say, “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” (Psalm 91:14-16 – NIV)

As I reflect upon this past year I easily recall good times, difficult times, the celebrations, and the challenges. Through it all I know that God has been with me. His Word has been true; he has stood by me in every situation and circumstance.  And, he has blessed me in so many ways.  Thus today on my birthday, I am grateful that, in the midst of an ever-changing world, in the midst of a life that is not stagnant, he remains the same.  Our God is always faithful! 

I pray you will know his faithfulness at work in your life today! 

Have a great day!

Pastor Tim Harris
