Getting Ready for Nemo

Those of us who live in the Northeast are facing the onset of a huge storm the weather service has called “Nemo.”  (Why “Nemo” I’m not quite sure, but I think they had to pick a name that begins with the letter “n.”)  For a few days now, we have been warned that this storm will begin lightly with a mixture of snow and rain, but eventually we will end up with blizzard conditions and about a foot of snow here in the NYC metro area and much more to the north and east.  (Sorry, I didn’t meant to turn this devotion into a weather forecast!) 

In response, the grocery stores have been packed, gas stations have had longer than usual line, and events and activities for Friday night and Saturday have already been cancelled.  Yesterday I made sure I had gas for the snow blower and that the snow shovels were easily accessible.  This morning I probably need to pick up a few things at the grocery store myself, just to make sure we have the essentials on hand—and so that we can make some good soup or something that will feel right in the middle of a storm.  Everyone is doing what they need to do to prepare for the storm.  Everyone is getting ready for the arrival of “Nemo!”

Jesus spoke about getting ready—that is, getting ready for his return and the end of time.  In Matthew 24, as he taught about these things, Jesus said, “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come…So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”  (Matthew 24:42, 44 – NIV)  Elsewhere, Jesus simply says, “Watch and pray.”   

We have been told ahead of time that Jesus is coming; a day of judgment is on hand as well as a day of salvation.  The end of time is on its way.  We could say, a storm is brewing.  And, Jesus has let us know ahead of time, warning us not to be caught off guard.  He tells us, now is our time to prepare.  This is our opportunity to make sure that we are ready for the day we will meet Jesus face to face; the day that he will come to save those who have lived lives of righteousness and judge those who have lived according to wickedness. 

It’s good for us to prepare for storms like Nemo.  But, we have to ask ourselves do we invest as much time and energy preparing for the day Jesus will return; the day we will meet him?  Are we ready for that day? 

As you run to the supermarket today or sit on a gas line—or whatever you do to prepare for Nemoe or whatever the next storm may be—ask the Lord to help you be as ready for the day of his return. 

Have a great day…stay warm and dry and safe! 

Pastor Tim Harris


  1. Thank you, Pastor! Truly love the correlation made between the arrival of NEMO and how we must invest time n energy for the arrival of our Saviour! God Bless!


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