A Full House

Last weekend, for the first time since they left for college, both of my sons, Jonathan and Nathaniel, came home for the weekend—or at least a part of it.  Since Nathaniel’s school is only about 40 minutes away from Jonathan’s and pretty much on the way home, he picked-up Nathaniel on Friday night and they arrived home at about 10:15 pm.  That night over snacks and the next morning over breakfast, all five of us sat in the kitchen talking and eating.  Conversations were flying in every direction as we all tried to catch up on what was going on in each other’s lives.  By Saturday evening Nathaniel caught a ride back to school. Jonathan was gone by Sunday evening.  Well, it was nice while it lasted.  At least for a few hours we had a full house!

Those who know me know that I like to have my family around.  I like it when the whole family is sitting around the dinner table, talking and eating and sharing the stories of the day.  I like the late night commotion that goes along with everyone being together.  And, that extends not only to our immediate family, but I really like having company, extended family and friends over for a meal or even just for coffee.    I really do like a full house. 

In the gospels, Jesus tells a parable about a man who was having a great big banquet. The invitations went out, but when the responses to his invitations came back, it turned out that no one was coming. All those who had been invited had their excuses as to why they couldn’t make the banquet.  Jesus then went on to say: “Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full.’” (Luke 14:23 – NIV)

I believe Jesus was revealing to us a bit of the heart of God, our heavenly Father.  He was showing us that God loves a full house!  In fact, it is not only God’s desire but, his plan to have a full house.  Thus, he has done and is doing all he can to bring people into his household.  That is why he sent his Son, Jesus. That is why he has given the Holy Spirit.  That is why he has raised up a people called, the Church.  That is why he continues to work in our world today, meeting people on a very personal level.  It is all for the purpose of inviting and bringing people like you and me into his house.

I’m grateful today that God has made a way for me to be part of his household; I hope you are too.  But, I’m also challenged to be like the servant in the parable, to do my part to let others know that God’s invitation still stands.  After all, God still loves a full house! 

Have a great day! 

Pastor Tim Harris
